by Shiho S. Nunes, Illustrated by Herb Kawainui Kane

A story of what happens to two brothers who discover that the mysteries of their ancestors are still very much alive, waiting to be solved.
Mark and Jeff, twin brothers growing up on the island of O’ahu, are as different as fraternal twins can be.  Mark, whose dark features resemble their Hawaiian mother, is pensive and reserved, while Jeff, with his fair hair and skin, is talkative and outgoing.  One morning when the twins venture out into the valley near their home, Mark finds a mysterious stone shaped like a human face.  After this discovery, things begin to change in the boys’ lives, and they embark on a journey that will teach them the power of family, heritage, and tradition.

Published 2002, ISBN-13: 9780896102835
‘The Power of the Stone’ was cited for excellence
by the Hawai’i Book Publishers Association.
You can find this book at Barnes & Noble and